The Little Theatre

The MVP Health Care Little Buddies Series is a family-friendly film series at The Little Theatre. On the last Saturday of every month we present a G or PG rated film. Movies starts at 10:00am (unless otherwise noted) and tickets, which cost $5, are available at the door. The Little is located at 240 East Ave. For more information on this series, call the business office at (585) 258-0400.
More about the Littel Theatre:
The Little Theatre Film Society provides a unique environment for the presentation of American independent and foreign films, visual arts and music for the greater Rochester community. The Little serves as a multi-cultural gathering place for affordable and accessible entertainment, screening more than 100 films per year, as well as hosting several annual community film festivals. The Little provides local artists a place to share their visions with a diverse audience and to discuss their work through educational talkbacks.
Since 1929, The Little has fulfilled a commitment to excellence in Rochester and is a strong community partner and advocate for growth. As a not-for-profit organization, The Little continues to deliver the finest in film, art and music, while expanding its education and outreach programs, and ensuring its financial integrity through individual and corporate memberships and donations.