Amusement Parks Within Driving Distance of Rochester, NY
Nothing says SUMMER like an amusement park! Rochester and the Finger Lakes have lots of options for amusement parks!
Here is our big list of indoor and outdoor amusement parks within driving distance of Rochester.
If there is a resource that we have missed, please email us to let us know, and we'll add it promptly. Thank you!
Amusement Parks with Reviews:
Seabreeze, Rochester, NY
Enchanted Forest/Water Safari in the Adirondacks
Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio
Splash Lagoon, Erie, PA
Greek Peak and Cascades Indoor Water Park, Cortland, NY
MarineLand, Ontario, Canada. DOES everyone really love it?
Great Wolf Lodge, Niagara Falls, Canada
Roseland Water Park
Hershey Park
Sesame Place
Additional amusement parks: Darien Lake Theme Park ResortSportworksSeneca Lake State ParkMinnehan's Fun CenterMartin's Fantasy IslandThe Sylvan Beach Amusement ParkOlcott Beach Carousel ParkZoom FlumeSix Flags Great Escape Lodge, Lake George.
We also have articles about and reviews of amusement parks! Here is an article that brings them all together so you can compare and contrast them: What to Know Before You Go.