The Wiz (Touring) | Kids Out and About Rochester

The Wiz (Touring)

THE WIZ returns “home” to stages across America in an all-new Broadway tour, the first in 40 years. This groundbreaking twist on The Wizard of Oz changed the face of Broadway — from its iconic score packed with soul, gospel, rock, and 70s funk to its stirring tale of Dorothy’s journey to find her place in a contemporary world. Everybody rejoice — this dynamite infusion of ballet, jazz, and modern pop brings a whole new groove to easing on down the road!

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*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


West Herr Auditorium Theatre 885 East Main Street
Rochester, NY, 14605
United States


(585) 222-5000
Contact name: 
RBTL Box Office
Email address: 
Saturday – 2:00pm & 8:00pm, Sunday – 1:00pm & 6:30pm, Tuesday-Friday 7:30 pm


Adults & kids together Adults without kids