Town of Geneseo | Kids Out and About Rochester

Town of Geneseo

4630 Millennium Drive
Geneseo , NY , 14454
Phone: 585-991-5000
42° 47' 50.5212" N, 77° 47' 28.536" W
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Located near the ancient Seneca Indian meeting place called Big Tree, Geneseo (Seneca for Beautiful Valley) was, and continues to be, an important crossroad where people gather to live and interact in a regional center of family, education and commerce. It is only natural that SUNY Geneseo was established here. It is also natural that business has thrived here through many of our nation's challenging times. People like it here. Geneseo has a growing tourism industry with many fine and varied accommodations. Geneseo is home to the Livingston County Historical Society and the 1941 Historical Aircraft Museum. There are art galleries, restaurants, and wineries.
