Sojourner House at PathStone

About Us
Sojourner House at PathStone serves homeless women and children by providing housing, self-sufficiency skills, and education programs, including afterschool tutoring and performing arts classes for kids. When families arrive at Sojourner House, they are immediately paired with a case manager, who helps them set goals and work through the underlying problems that caused their homelessness. We are a continuum of care organization, offering support at varying levels through our temporary transitional, permanent supportive, and outreach programs.
Dreamseeds Children's Programs
Sojourner House at PathStone offers academic tutoring and performing arts classes five days a week after school through our Dreamseeds Children's Programs. Dreamseeds provides individual attention and support to all Sojourner House children, many of whom have experienced homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, or neglect. During the summer, the children participate in the Dreamseeds Summer Experience, an enrichment daycamp that allows them to play sports, learn to garden, explore the outdoors, and prevent summer learning loss.
Temporary Transitional Housing
Our transitional housing program provides shelter in a community-living environment where women and their children can focus intensively on working through the problems that caused their homelessness. For many women, these problems include mental illness, poverty, addiction, inadequate education, domestic violence, or abuse. In this program, our staff provides individualized counseling, life skills training, referrals to services, and crisis intervention when needed. During their 3-6 month stay, the women share household responsibilities, enjoy family-style dinners, and attend community meetings.
Permanent Supportive Housing
In our supportive housing program, women and their children live independently in 1-, 2-, or 3-bedroom apartments at Sojourner facilities. Though the women’s schedules are less structured, our staff still provides on-site case management, and sobriety support. The staff also organizes special events and celebrations to foster a sense of community.
Outreach Services
For Sojourner House graduates who live in the wider community, our staff still offers Individual case management, referrals to area agencies, family unification support, and enrichment programs for children through our outreach services program. Whenever women need it, the Sojourner House team is ready to provide support and encouragement.