Rochester Orienteering Club (ROC)

Orienteering is a competitive sport that combines racing with navigation. It is a timed race in which individual participants use a specially created, highly detailed map to select routes and navigate, by walking or running, through diverse and often unfamiliar terrain and visit control points (orange/white flags) in sequence. It is up to you in what direction you will take to get to each control. Dress for the weather!!
You prove you have visited the controls by using an electronic finger stick or by punching a paper control card. Everyone must return to the start/finish area where you download your results getting a printout of your split times. Then it’s time to chat with other folks about your adventure!
Courses can also be enjoyed as a walk in the woods, with difficulty levels from beginner to expert offered at most events! Instruction is available, so anybody can come out to our regular events!! It is requested that large groups call ahead so we can provide enough maps for everyone to enjoy the day!
The Rochester Orienteering Club holds meets at local parks approximately every other week during the spring, summer and fall. For recorded information on upcoming meets and any changes or cancellations, or to leave a message, call the club hotline at 585-310-4762.