Rochester Accessible Adventures
You are invited to become an INCLUSION AMBASSADOR as part of our #WeWillInclude movement!
Inclusion Ambassadors are trained in understanding, implementing and promoting inclusion in recreation -- so that people with and without disabilities can access and enjoy recreation and sports together!
You may be already aware of this, but 20% of our communities -- our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers -- are people with disabilities...and yet, we often don't see them at playgrounds, parks, camps, and recreation facilities. NOT YET, anyway!
Rochester Accessible Adventures is busy training those municipalities, business owners, and program providers to become inclusive in how they operate (training staff, making places accessible, modifying activities, etc) and NOW IT IS YOUR TURN to get involved with us!
We are training 2,020 Inclusion Ambassadaors in 2020 from Western NY, the Finger Lakes, and even across the country!
Each Inclusion Ambassador will complete a FREE 3-hour online training and be issued a Certificate of completion. As a Certified Inclusion Ambassador, you will carry knowledge and understanding that helps you advocate for inclusion AND helps you implement inclusion in YOUR community!
And if you are ready to get started, go ahead and Click here to Become An Inclusion Ambassador!
Can't wait to have you be a part of our #WeWillInclude movement!