Rochester Academy of Science, Astronomy Section

PO Box 20292
, NY
, 14602
43° 10' 12" N, 77° 35' 60" W
See map: Google Maps
Contact name:
Joe Altieri
Business/organization type:
What our organization offers:
Subjects / Categories:
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Ages for which our activities are most appropriate:

Our mission is to share our passion for, and joy in, astronomy by providing fellowship, education and extraordinary observational experiences to members of our organization and the community. ASRAS is a diverse, family-orientated group that includes adults and children of all ages, levels of interest, and experience. Members share a common love for astronomy and space sciences. Some are well-versed, experienced amateur astronomers; others have little or no expertise, but make up for that in enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Most members have little or no formal training in astronomy, math, physics, or the space sciences. A few members are professional astronomers.
Science, Nature/Outdoors
Web Service