Irish Children's Program of Rochester

PO Box 22983
, NY
, 14692
43° 5' 7.89" N, 77° 35' 51.936" W
See map: Google Maps
Contact name:
Dan Gates
Business/organization type:
What our organization offers:
Subjects / Categories:
Seasons / holidays:
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate:

The ICP brings an equal number of Catholic and Protestant children, ages 10-14, from Belfast to the Rochester area each July. These children, growing up in an environment of suspicion and animosity, experience shared activities and build understanding which they bring back home after their visit. We offer host families unforgettable memories. For host children, we provide a unique opportunity to introduce them to a different culture. Host children and the Belfast visitors compare and discover shared experiences and the similarities they have even though their guests come from a country hundreds of miles and an ocean away. This is a rewarding experience for children and adults alike who are often proud to include an additional Belfast son or daughter to their family.
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