Downtown Auburn Business Improvement District

Downtown Auburn BID is a membership organization of residents, business & property owners, non-profit organizations and government entities. By means of advocacy, marketing, promotion, event planning, research and collaborative efforts, the BID is committed toenhancing the appearance, economic viability and quality of life of the community.
BID acts asliaison with government on important issues, keeps the Downtown streets clean; maintains hanging baskets, flower pots & beds; organizes cooperative advertising programs; provides a searchable website with a complete directory ofBID businesses and a Facebook page to promote downtown news. We refer property ownerstobusinesses looking for space; organize and promote events that draw people Downtown; like summer concerts & parades. BID’s demographic & market research is useful in creating business plans. BID staff provides design assistance with color scheme, signage, furniture and artwork arrangement. Please contact us to discuss how we can help you 315.252-7874,