Wayne County Gem & Mineral Club

The Wayne County Gem & Mineral Club is a non-profit, educational-oriented group of rockhounds. Once a month, we dust ourselves off and get together to learn something at our monthly meetings at Park Presbyterian Church in Newark on the 2nd Friday of the month at 7 PM. Our youth group is called the Mini-Miners and meet just before the regular meeting at 6:30. Special hands-on activities expose kids to rocks and minerals in an assortment of ways. How to collect specimens, soapstone carving, shark tooth identification are just some of the activities we've engaged in this last year. Many of our older members like to participate in these activities too. We encourage families to join and participate together. Nothing like collecting fossils on the shore of Canandaigua Lake as a cheap way to spend your time together having fun. We go to more dig sites than most clubs and will help new folks learn what to look for & how to be safe doing it. We belong to a larger collection of rock organizations - the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical & Lapidary Societies and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies which provide us with numerous benefits including educational materials, ideas, networks for collecting and insurance. Our monthly newsletter will challenge you as well as inform.Check out our webpage at www.wcgmc.org to see what we're doing & where we're going next. If you like fun, rocks and like to pound on stuff, this is the place for you!