Trinity Montessori School- Rochester, NY

Our Mission
The mission of Trinity Montessori School, Inc. is to educate the whole child in an enriched environment in accordance with the American Montessori philosophy. Our goal is the development of each child's full potential as a peaceful world citizen with a lifelong love of learning.
School Profile
Since 1967, families have chosen Trinity Montessori School in order to participate in an educational process that strongly emphasizes independent learning. There are over 220 children, ages 21 months through 12 years old, currently enrolled in TMS. The Primary (3-6 year old), Lower Elementary (1st-3rd grade) and Upper Elementary (4th-6th grade) are grouped in multi-age classes, each with its own 3 year sequenced curriculum.
The most comprehensive Montessoi school in the Great Rochester at Trinity, the child will acquire a joy for learning, self-motivation, and an inner discipline that will never be lost.
Trinity Montessori School Inc. is non-discriminatory on the basis of race, religion, sex or national origin
Our World Wonder Workshops summer program runs July and August! MORE THAN JUST A SUMMER CAMP.
A one of a kind summer program! Unique and exciting! Talented professionals from New York and beyond entertain and educate through a series of WORKSHOPS. These workshops are guided by a group of professionals and masters of the arts. This includes local musicians, dancers, chefs and athletes, as well as nationally recognized performers. Each week is dedicated to a hands-on, dynamic and energetic set of workshops that are used to EDUCATE THROUGH PLAY.
Art, sciences, local food and culture, engineering, rock n’ roll, sports, outdoor games, aikido, breakdancing, capoeira, imagination, exploration, photography, animation, theater and water play.
Learn more at
The Toddler Program is based on the philosophy that the very young child is eager to learn. Our intention is to provide an environment and activities which stimulate and encourage the child. Our goals are to have happy children, who achieve a sense of order and work independently
The gross motor area of the room offers space for activities to help in the development movement and muscle control, as well as a sense of spatial understanding. Fine motor skills are encouraged by experimenting with manipulative materials in the classroom. Social skills are enhanced by group snack, story and music time, and circle time.
The 3 to 6 Program encompasses children learning side by side developing a sense of order, concentration, coordination and independence. The children work in language, math, sensorial, geography and science. Music and art are integral parts of all our programs. The commitment to our three-year sequence will lay an excellent foundation for going on to the elementary program. Incorporation of a Montessori Peace Education encourages the development of peaceful citizens of the world.
The Extended Day Program continually teaches children who are 4-5 years old. For those children who are 5 by December 1st, this year will be considered their Kindergarten year. Their morning is spent with the multi-age group, receiving lessons, working independently or in small groups, and helping the younger children. Statistics show that when an older child helps a younger child, it reinforces their academic knowledge and enhances self- esteem and self- confidence.
After the lunch and recess period, the extended academic day resumes. Time is build in for special projects, class trips, and studies indicative to the interests of the more sophisticated works of the Montessori sequence.
Addition curriculum activities include:
- Computer Lab
- Spanish
- Physical Education
- Enrichment
At Trinity Montessori part of our Extended Academic Day Curriculum Is dedicated to the study of the heritage of their classmates. The children investigate their family roots, study geography, customs, food and the music from each child's family. The study is culminated by an international celebration where the children wear costumes, perform native dances and songs, and demonstrate a great respect for the cultures and nationalities from all around the world.
The Elementary Program consists of lower and upper elementary classrooms. At each level you can find a continuing, 3 year, thematic curriculum that is built on the foundations of the primary. It encourages children to pursue their interests and continue making responsible choices for self-motivated instruction. The elementary curricula integrates multiple subjects into an increasingly hands-on and tangible learning environment.
In-depth curriculum learning includes:
Language Arts
History and culture
The arts
Foreign language
Physical and health education
Computer lab
The elementary curriculum is designed to nuture imagination and reason and empowers children to seek knowledge beyond the classroom. It helps children work collaboratively and cooperatively, allowing them to transition well into other schools.
Curious to learn more? Visit us on the web!