St. Ambrose Academy

Welcome to St. Ambrose Academy!
Our school was voted #1 in “Parent Satisfaction” for Monroe County Catholic Schools in a recent independent Center for Governmental Research survey. Located 5 miles or less from each and every Catholic junior high and high school in Monroe County—and conveniently accessible to I-590 and Rte. 104 at 31 Empire Boulevard—we invite all area parents to “Center your children at St. Ambrose Academy!”
With Jesus as our role model, St. Ambrose Academy provides academic excellence within a loving, diverse Christian environment. St. Ambrose Academy strives to prepare children to become faithful, contributing, compassionate lifelong learners of the global community.
Financial Aid is available K-5. Busing is available for K-5. Before and After school care. FREE breakfast and lunch program and cafeteria. Playground. Classroom Instruction and \ Academic Intervention Services
We follow New York State Standards in: Math, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Writing, Science, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Computer Technology, Art, Music, and Library. Religion is taught daily. Activities include Accelerated Reader Program; Field Trips; Instrumental Lessons; Garden Club; Service Club; Drama Club; CYO Sports: Soccer, Basketball.
Call 585-288-0580 to arrange a tour at your convenience.