San Lorenzo Montessori Academy

The San Lorenzo Montessori Academy strives to teach children the fundamentals of life at an early age. The Academy focuses on developmental skills that will enable children to live independently and to be life long learners. At San Lorenzo Montessori Academy (SLMA) we believe that children have the potential to become independent, life-long learners at a very young age. We are focused on creating an enriched, motivating, age appropriate environment. San Lorenzo's learning programs are divided into two age groups; our toddler program which serves children from 16 months old to 2-1/2 years old and our primary program which serves children age 2-1/2 to 6 years old. Each program is organized to focus on age specific skills and to provide the necessary building blocks to move through each program.
At SLMA academic areas such as Mathematics, Language, and Geography are just as important as Practical Life Skills, and Sensorial. The humanities such as Art, Music, and Foreign Language are integrated into the curriculum. We believe in teaching children skills that they can use for the rest of their lives such as independence, problem solving, concentration and self confidence.
We Are "Different"
At San Lorenzo Montessori Academy we strive to stand out among other pre-schools. We believe in teaching the students independence, problem solving and concentration, and that these fundamentals are the key building blocks to a child's future success.
Another attribute that sets us apart is our going "green" initiative. We have made a commitment to do our part in conserving our environment. In each classroom we use Montessori manipulatives and furniture that are made from recycled fibers and material. All of our students will understand and participate in our green commitment as well. They will learn to garden, recycle, compost, and how to care for plants and animals. We are passionate about preserving our environment and believe our children of tomorrow should be too.