Rochester Yacht Club

Junior Sailing |
Youth Sailing in Rochester is one of the country’s premiere Sailing Programs! The Summer Sailing Program ishighly regarded and registration fills up quickly. Members and non-members can participate… so don’t wastetime sign up today!What Can Sailing Do For A Child?
Sports offer many opportunities for Children, but sailing offers more than any other. Children and teens are rarely ever given the opportunity to be in control of anything, For most children, the Lake is a vast and mysterious environment. They cannot put on a lifejacket and run across the water. Instead, beginner sailors must learn to make the wind and waves work for them. Learning about the sea teaches children to be self-sufficient and to exercise judgment while instilling confidence. Being on the water helps children appreciate the natural world around them. The importance of clean water becomes apparent and children become connected to nature through an understanding of tides, winds, and weather. Children who go beyond basic sailing and learn to race develop other skills. To be successful and earn the respect of their competitors, young sailors must honor the rules and learn to take the self-imposed penalties that apply when a rule is broken. The rules and the constant presence of competitors present sailors with an endless and ever-changing stream of tactical situations that require children to learn to assess risks and make quick and responsible decisions. In addition, teamwork skills develop as skippers and crews learn the importance of working together and team racing emphasizes close cooperation within teams of three boats. High School Sailing is one of the fastest growing scholastic sports in the country with about 300 teams nationally. Rochester is no different. RYC now boasts about the 6 high school teams that currently compete and practice on the 20 420’s that RYC currently owns. RYC is also the hub for teams competing in up-state New York and Canada. RYC hosts several regattas through out the season. For more info click on high school sailing or go to Come Down to the Sailing Center at RYC to Check Out the Excitement! |