Recommended places for kids hair cuts in the greater Rochester, NY area
The following is a list of the salons in the Rochester area that have been recommended by readers for kids' hair cuts. Listing here implies no official endorsement of any kind from or commentary about the capabilities of the professionals listed here... we're just providing this as a way to give others in the area ideas.
Chi Wah, 2900 Monroe Avenue in Clover Commons, Rochester, NY 14618. 585-271-0180.
Studio 89 Salon, corner of Dewey Ave and English Rd in Greece. 585-663-1970.
Dan-Ni's, 43 Main Street, Scottsville. 585-889-8580.
Sport Clips, 3349 Monroe Ave., Rochester (Pittsford Plaza). 585-586-3523. (Especially recommended for boys.)
Salon EFX, 2375 Rochester Rd, Canandaigua, NY 585-394-7020.
Have another recommendation? Send an email to publisher Debra Ross at And if you have a specific stylist recommendation for one of the above-mentioned places, please send that along as well!
Haircuts for Peanuts
One-stop shop for children's hair careWe offer an enjoyable haircut experience for children of all ages. We hope to see you all soon and we look forward to helping make your child's haircut one to remember! Each of our first-class services includes: High-quality haircut; Haircuts For Peanuts® balloon; popcorn; choice of a sweet treat. Visit our web site at