Pittsford United Nursery School (PUNS)

Pittsford United Nursery School (PUNS) is a cooperative preschool for children ages 2 -5. Our classrooms are divided into special interest centers, each with a learning focus. Centers include: arts & crafts, music, dramatic play, manipulative toys, sensory table, writing, science, puzzles, board games and books. Outside, our large fenced-in playground is equipped with a "Child Life" play structure, swings, ride-ons, sandbox, playhouses and water tables. Additionally, our children will experience hands-on learning in our PUNS Garden. We have access to the large social hall to ensure physical activity during times of inclement weather. The wide variety of activities and toys contribute to PUNS' well-rounded program of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. At PUNS, we share Piaget's belief that children learn by doing and that "play is the work of childhood". Our educational curriculum and instructional methods reflect our core belief that each child is unique. We strive to teach "the whole child", encouraging your child's natural course of development, as well as his or her imagination and cooperative play skills. As a cooperative program, parents are actively involved in their child's experience. They assist in the classrooms and work in partnership with our exceptional teachers who plan the program and ensure its appropriateness. We are also an "allergy friendly" preschool. In response to an increased need for a safe place for children with food allergies to attend preschool, we have developed an Allergy-Friendly Snack List which is strictly adhered to. Children with food allergies are served solely by a teacher and we take all necessary precautions and make reasonable accommodations to ensure that every student has a safe, healthy and positive preschool experience. PUNS is a highly recommended and regarded preschool. All of our teachers are credentialed and receive first aid, CPR and AED training yearly. We are a fully secure location focused on offering the best education possible for your child.