Pirate Toy Fund Wall of Fame 2013 | Kids Out and About Rochester

Pirate Toy Fund Wall of Fame 2013

By Debra Ross, KOA Editor

The Pirate Toy Fund's annual drive matches needy kids in the greater Rochester area with your donated toys

Have YOU donated? Have your kids?

KOA readers who donate to the 2013 Pirate Toy Fund Driveby dropping off a new, unwrapped toy at any area Wegmans or Eastview, Marketplace or Greece Ridge Mall can:

      a) Be entered into our drawing for a 6-ft stocking STUFFED with toys (to be delivered in person by Gary the Happy Pirate, in time for Christmas)
      b) Appear on this Wall of Fame

After you donate, do the following:

1) Email Debra Ross, KOA editor, at ross@kidsoutandabout.com with the subject Pirate Toy Fund Drive 2013.

2) In your email, first state something like, "I have donated a new, unwrapped toy to the 2013 Pirate Toy Fund Drive."

3) State how you'd like your name to be listed on this Wall of Fame (often folks include name and town, sometimes including the last name and sometimes not... or you can just be anonymous).

4) Finally, if you would like to be entered into the drawing for the 6-ft toy-filled stocking, include your contact information (name, address, and phone number).

The only real rules are:

1) You must email me AFTER you donate (I trust you) and

2) Only one entry per person in your family who has donated. If there are five people in your family and you all donate 16 toys, that's wonderful, but we can still receive only five entries.

KOA Pirate Toy Fund Drive Wall of Fame 2013

The big week-long push for the Pirate Toy Fund Drive starts on Monday, December 2 and continues through Saturday, December 7. It's most fun to donate with Gary the Happy Pirate there in person; he'll be at our area's various malls all week, so click here to read more about his schedule.

You can donate all through the month of December, of course... so keep those donations flowing, and then email us to be listed here on the Wall of Fame and be entered to win the 6-ft stocking... and tell your friends!

Stacy Beard, Rochester



Anonymous, Williamson


The Zannies, Penfield

Emma and Meghan Bartholomay


Stacy Beard, Rochester


Susan Rizzo, Pittsford

Toby Rizzo, Pittsford


Eliza and Maise Gardner

Karyn S. Carpenter


Terri and Jayden Miller


Alison Smith

Jay Jay H.

Lily, Rochester, NY

Harry, Rochester, NY

Danielle, Rochester, NY


Lauren and Aubrey Herman

Schmitt Family, Brighton

Sue and Bryan Gardner

Stornello Family

Juliann Rouse


Anonymous, Fairport

Anonymous, Fairport

Anonymous, Fairport
