Pirate Toy Fund Wall of Fame 2011 | Kids Out and About Rochester

Pirate Toy Fund Wall of Fame 2011

By Debra Ross, KOA Editor


The Pirate Toy Fund's annual drive matches needy kids in the greater Rochester area with your donated toys

Have YOU donated? Have your kids?

KOA readers who donate to the 2011 Pirate Toy Fund Drive by dropping off a new, unwrapped toy at any area Wegmans or Strong National Museum of Play can:

    a) Be entered into our drawing for a prize to be given out in January and

    b) Appear on this Wall of Fame

After you donate, email the KOA editor at ross@kidsoutandabout.com with the subject Pirate Toy Fund Drive. In your email, simply state, "I have donated a new, unwrapped toy to the 2011 Pirate Toy Fund Drive." Also say whether it's okay to have your name and town appear on this Wall of Fame -- in which case, of course, please tell me your name and town.

The drive continues into January, so think about this as the holidays continue: If Aunt Bessie arrives with a toy that might have been appropriate three years ago, have your child smile, thank her, and then imagine how happy some other young person is going to be playing with Aunt Bessie's gift when you donate it a few days later.

The only rules are a) that you must email me AFTER you donate (I trust you) and b) only one entry per person in your family who has donated. If there are five people in your family and you all donate 16 toys, that's wonderful, but we can still receive only five entries.

KOA Pirate Toy Fund Drive Wall of Fame 2011

    Jonathan Salamone and his dad Mark: 20 toys!
    Daisy Troop 60151, Brighton
    Lillian Beckwith, Penfield, NY
    Sharon from Brighton, NY
    Cindy S from Brighton (donated two!)
    The Marlin Family, Webster
    Karen Kuebler, Hamlin
    Madison and Emily McMahon, Penfield
    Eliza and Maisie of West Brighton
