Mozart Children's Chorus of Nazareth College | Kids Out and About Rochester

Mozart Children's Chorus of Nazareth College

Room A59, Wilmot Hall, Nazareth College 4245 East Ave
Rochester , NY , 14618
Phone: 585-442-0800
43° 7' 0.1668" N, 77° 33' 32.544" W
Contact name: 
Michelle LaVarnway
What our organization offers: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
The Mozart Children's Chorus of Nazareth College is a chorus for singers ages 5-8 years old. Students work with Orff instruments regularly, learn beginning music theory and singing techniques, and perform in concerts.

The Mozart Children's Chorus is the beginning chorus for the Bach Children’s Chorus, for children age 5*-8. This is a non-auditioned chorus. It is designed as a classroom choral experience with performances during the winter holidays and in the spring.
Children learn folk tunes (both American and International), songs from musicals, part-singing, music theory basics, and, also, play percussion instruments. Good singing technique is taught through vocal play.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to watch the class.  Children take home the songs in a notebook each week so that families can "sing together".

The season runs September through early May. 

For more information, send an email to


Registration is open for the 2015-2016 season.  New families are welcome to come try their first class at no charge. Send an email to

Music, Voice / Chorus