The Learning Tree @ ASOMA Kindergarten Readiness Program

The Learning Tree @ ASOMA Kindergarten Readiness Program
As a child, owner, ASOMA Aria Matthews, attended a small music/arts based preschool where all new curriculum was introduced through the arts. Whether it was singing, painting, dancing or banging a drum, learning was FUN....and it wasn't work. She believes this is what "sparked" not only her love of the arts, but also her "head start" academically. As a teacher and mentor of hundreds of children throughout her career of over 20 years, she has developed a kindergarten readiness program of music and arts based curriculum for preschool-aged students. This is a program she has been working on for over 5 years, and is excited to see it come to life. It has been proven in many studies that music and the arts have the following benefits to children especially if they are introduced during the pre-K years for multiple hours each day: improved academic performance, language development, motor skills, inventiveness, cultural awareness, visual learning and the list goes on. Aria's hope is that this program inspires a love of learning through the arts and gives students that head start that she received so many years ago.