Build Myself in Rochester, NY
A 3-minute music video showing over 60 beautiful places to bring kids in the Rochester, NY area, released in the summer of 2011. Below, see Gates McMahon's winning poem, which uses Corbett's Glen Nature Park as inspiration.
In July, 2011, Rochester poet Joe Sottile held a poetry contest for kids based on this video. He called the contest "Build Myself a Winning Poem in Rochester, NY," and kids from throughout the greater Rochester area entered. The goal was to use one of the places pictured in the video above to build a poem.
Our winning poet used Corbett's Glen Nature Park in Brighton as the inspiration for the poem.
Corbett's Glen
by Gates McMahon, age 13
Penfield, NY
The world is twisted, broken, and polluted above...
But, through the tunnel
nature remains.
Crystal clear water
and verdant green trees beckon.
Through the tunnel
Through the tunnel
Water cascades down craggy rocks
And the songs of birds harmonize with the bubbling creek.
Through the tunnel
Through the tunnel
Wooded pathways lead the way
through nature's private world
Serenity and peace await...
Through the tunnel
"Corbett's Glen," ©2011, Gates McMahon. All rights reserved.
Please click here to read the poems of the second-place winner, Nathan, who wrote about Wickham Farms, and runners-up Rebecca and Katherine, who wrote about the Auditorium Center and the Rochester Museum & Science Center.