Best Foot Forward

Dance Classes
Creative Movement with Music class: Students age 2-5 participate in creative movement, incorporating traditional ballet dance technique as well as basic motor skills such as skipping, jumping, leaping, etc. We often use props (i.e. hats, canes, scarves, and ribbons) as an aid to facilitate learning and coordination. We emphasize fun while learning expressive dance and the basics of ballet. We add the fun of introductory tap dance as well. During the music portion of class, students learn the basics of cello, violin, and rhythms.
We offer the classics: Ballet, Tap, and Jazz, as well as Hip Hop, Click here for more information.
Best Foot Forward holds musical theater productions throughout the year for kids in the 4-9 and 10-16 age groups. Kids audition first for part assignments, then commence weekly rehearsals for several weeks. Culminating in full scale productions.
Click here for more information.
Summer Theatre Program No Audition Required. Just come prepared to sing, dance, act, and have fun. We offer four 1 week programs with a final performance.
Click here for more information.
Music Lessons
We offer Private Music Lessons in Piano, Drums, Voice, and Guitar. Private lessons with professional teachers.
Click here for more information.
Visit the website for more information and registration at