Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 All Ages StorytimeDates: 03/17/202503/24/202503/31/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/07/202504/21/202504/28/202505/05/202505/12/202505/19/2025Time: 9:30am-10am Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Book Discussion: "Little Women"Dates: 03/27/2025Time: 1:30PM - 3:00PM Organization: Webster Public LibraryLocation: 980 Ridge RoadWebster, NY, 14580United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-872-7075 Book SaleDates: 05/01/2025Time: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Organization: Webster Public LibraryLocation: 980 Ridge RoadWebster, NY, 14580United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-872-7075 Book Sale - Bag Sale!Dates: 05/03/2025Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Organization: Webster Public LibraryLocation: 980 Ridge RoadWebster, NY, 14580United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-872-7075 Book Sale - Bag Sale!Dates: 05/02/2025Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Organization: Webster Public LibraryLocation: 980 Ridge RoadWebster, NY, 14580United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-872-7075 Book Sale - Bag Sale!Dates: 05/03/2025Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Bright Kids Storytime for All AgesDates: 03/21/202503/28/202504/04/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/11/202504/25/202505/02/202505/09/202505/16/202505/23/2025Time: 10:30am-11am Organization: Webster Public LibraryLocation: 980 Ridge RoadWebster, NY, 14580United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-872-7075 Bye-Bye Diapers!Dates: 03/18/2025Time: 10:00 - 10:30 am Organization: Winton Branch LibraryLocation: 611 Winton Rd. NorthRochester, NY, 14609United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-428-8204 Comic clubDates: 03/20/202504/17/202505/15/2025Show more datesHide these dates06/19/2025Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm Organization: Ogden Farmers' LibraryLocation: 269 Ogden Center RoadSpencerport, NY, 14559United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-617-6181 Donuts and WritingDates: 04/09/2025Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm Organization: Webster Public LibraryLocation: 980 Ridge RoadWebster, NY, 14580United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-872-7075 Friends Members Only Book Sale & Vintage Book SaleDates: 04/30/2025Time: 4:00 - 7:00 pm Organization: Gates Public LibraryLocation: 902 Elmgrove RdRochester, NY, 14624United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-247-6446 Homeschool HangoutDates: 03/26/2025Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM Organization: Henrietta Public LibraryLocation: 625 Calkins RoadRochester, NY, 14623-4299United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-359-7092 I Survived...Book ClubDates: 04/23/2025Time: 4:30pm Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Kids' Book ClubDates: 04/24/2025Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Kids' Book ClubDates: 03/20/2025Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Lapsit Baby StorytimeDates: 03/18/202503/25/202504/01/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/08/202504/22/202504/29/202505/06/202505/13/202505/20/2025Time: 11:30am Macedon Public Library - NY Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 March Book DiscussionDates: 03/20/2025Time: 2:00PM - 3:30PM Monroe Branch Library Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Pajama StorytimeDates: 03/19/202503/26/202504/02/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/09/202504/23/202504/30/202505/07/202505/14/202505/21/2025Time: 6:30pm-7pm Organization: Mendon Public LibraryLocation: 22 North Main StreetHoneoye Falls, NY, 14472United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:624-6067 Preschool Story Time in Two Languages with Miss RosaDates: 03/21/202503/28/202504/04/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/11/202504/18/202504/25/2025Time: 10:00-10:40 AM Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Saturday StorytimeDates: 03/22/202504/19/202505/17/2025Time: 2pm-2:30pm Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Saturday StorytimeDates: 03/22/202504/19/202505/17/2025Time: 2pm-2:30pm Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Tot Time StorytimeDates: 03/17/202503/24/202503/31/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/07/202504/21/202504/28/202505/05/202505/12/202505/19/2025Time: 10:15am-10:45am Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Tween Book ClubDates: 04/14/2025Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Tween Book ClubDates: 03/17/2025Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Wobbly Toddlers StorytimeDates: 03/18/202503/25/202504/01/2025Show more datesHide these dates04/08/202504/22/202504/29/202505/06/202505/13/202505/20/2025Time: 10:30am Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Writing WorkshopDates: 03/18/2025Time: 4:15PM - 5:00PM Organization: Penfield Public LibraryLocation: 1985 Baird RoadPenfield, NY, 14526United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-340-8720 Writing WorkshopDates: 04/01/2025Time: 4:15PM - 5:00PM #OperationStorytime Volume Two Discover Monroe County's Library System: FAR More than You Think! KidsOutAndAbout Speaks to Kathleen Blasi About HOSEA PLAYS ON KidsOutAndAbout Speaks to Keely Hutton About SECRET SOLDIERS