Park Avenue Merchants Association

Park Avenue – Street For All Seasons - Over 90 Businesses
§ From Alexander Street to Culver Road
o Park Ave Green – Barrington & Park
§ This year voted by The City Newspaper
o Best Neighborhood
o Stever’s Candies best candy store – 1970 started on Park Ave.
o Magnolia’s Café & Deli
§ How many businesses can say they had a visit by the President of the United States?
§ PAMA and PARC (1994)
o PAMA – Park Ave Merchants Assoc.
o PARC – Park Ave Revitalization Committee – blend of neighborhood associations & merchants
§ They work together to make Park Ave the jewel of Rochester
· Beatification efforts
Beatification efforts
potted and hanging flowers in the spring/summer
seasonal banners
replacing broken bus stop benches
the new fence and rock garden at the Science Museum
planted tulip bulbs along the sidewalks up and down the avenue.
Working with Francis Parker School # 23 on events/activities