Brockport Rotary
Brockport Rotary Club
What is Rotary? Rotary is a community service club - both local and international.At all levels the organization seeks to look for the betterment of society..
Why Join Rotary? Benefits of membership include: Community involvement Great people, new friends Personal growth and net-working Self fulfillment that comes from serving other's needs in your local community and in other countries around the world. Travel Opportunities Fun with those terrific people
Who Belongs? Anyone who wishes to be of service to the local community: Banker/Credit Union Manager Carpenter Educator Personnel Professional Heating/cooling contractor Re-modeler Restaurateur Retirees (police, educators, secretaries, etc.) Shop owners and Managers Technical, Computer, Engineering Experts Any Member of the Community
What Is The Commitment?
As much as you wish. Meetings are nearly every Thursday, but members are not required to attend all meetings and they can substitute work on Rotary projects or related meetings for official meetings. Currently meeting at the Hamlin Hometown Café from 6:15 – 7:45 pm. Maybe you’ve seen photos of our excellent guest speakers in the Suburban News.
What Does Rotary Do For The Community?
- BISCO’s 17th Brockport Arts Festival (Rotary is a BISCO founder)
- Thanks to those who supported the 20th annual Ziti Dinner
- 2nd BBQ & Music Fest
Rotary International is a premier organization in the fight against polio, illiteracy, economic depredation and abuse of individual rights. Rotarians are very proud of their contributions at all levels of Rotary.
The local Club is proud of its part in working with other service clubs on projects like Salvation Army Bell ringing and the Arts Festival each year.
For more information contact:
Norm Knight at 637-3974